How to Prepare for AP Exams in 2021

The educational environment of 2021 is seriously different from the past. You might be taking all or some of your classes entirely online and have greater personal responsibility and accountability for your academics than in the past. You may be attending classes at your school but have limited interactions with your peers. Regardless of how you're learning, you're still planning to take AP exams. Following some tips can help you to generate success in this endeavor. 

Research College Requirements

Aiming to earn the highest score that you can on the exams is smart. By setting your goals high, you can have a bit of flexibility if, perhaps, the exam is harder than you expect. Still though, you also want to know the minimum AP scores needed by the colleges and universities that you're considering. For example, in order to earn credit and to skip taking certain classes, you will need to earn a specific score on the exam. Finding out what your college of choice requires will help you to set specific goals in terms of your scores. When you open up your scores on the AP College Board site, you can then have a better idea of whether you'll get to earn credit for those classes. 

Enroll in Virtual Tutoring

When you're nervous about staying after school due to increased exposure to others or when you're enrolled in virtual classes, you might find the prospect of tutoring daunting. Keep in mind that the world has greatly adapted to the virtual climate, and you can likely find tutoring opportunities online. Your school may even offer virtual tutoring for the advanced placement exams. You can also check out libraries in the area. As long as you have a method of communicating virtually, you can schedule private tutoring sessions as well. One-on-one tutoring sessions now could pose a risk, but virtual tutoring sessions allow you to still get the necessary help. 

Employ Tips for Focusing

If you're taking classes online, you're likely encountering a whole new world of distractions. These distractions might have led to lower grades in your classes, and you might find that focusing on the course material is more challenging. Aim to stick with a sturdy schedule. This schedule should apply to your personal life and to your advanced placement courses. In other words, plan out your days. If you find that learning online is challenging, set a timer. After you have worked for a certain period of time, allow yourself to take a short break for a glass of water or a walk around the block. Creating a schedule that allows for rejuvenating periods of time can help you to succeed in your studies. 

Plan Ahead

The uncertainty of 2021 can spill into so many areas of life. As soon as your teacher or school provides details on when and where you will take the AP exams, put that information in your calendar. Also, find out what the plans are in the event that another lockdown occurs or if you fell ill or had to quarantine due to COVID-19. Having a plan in place can help you to feel more prepared and confident in these uncertain times. 

Do not let your dreams of earning high scores on the AP exams fall away from you. Doing well on these exams is certainly still possible in 2021.


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