Tips and Tricks to Help your Child Succeed in Math


Want to help your child with math? There is a lot that you can do, right from hiring a tutor to identifying fun learning methods. Here is a list of some simple tips and tricks that can tremendously help your child with a subject that has a scary reputation. Read on.

1.       Clear the Concepts

The best way to ace the subject is to not have any doubts. Math tends to get complicated with the twist of a theorem and a single doubt can wreak havoc on growing minds. And that is exactly why you should ensure that every topic is crystal clear before picking up the next topic.

After every lesson, ask your child questions about the topic, try to gauge their level of understanding, and encourage practice. If you see even a sliver of doubt, clear it then and there before it becomes a compounded doubt in combination with other topics. Online math tutoring can help here.

2.       Find New Methods

If a topic feels too difficult or confusing for several months in a row, try to find simpler and more interesting methods to explain it. We mention months because some topics need time to understand and every child deserves a self-paced learning approach. But there is a limit to how much time can be allotted to a topic. Beyond that, you have to intervene and find new methods to explain the topic. Sometimes a change of perspective is all that is needed and online math tutoring can give you just that.

3.       Include technology

Times have changed and so has the academic setup. It is not known as Edtech and learning were never this easy and fun. Several online platforms offer math help in the form of subject tutoring and homework help.

Then there is Google. You can find anything and everything with a simple search and the best outcomes are mostly math videos that simplify a topic. If you look longer, you might also find question-specific solutions in the form of YouTube videos. There are also several helpful videos from popular online tutoring platforms. So, bringing in technology can do wonders for your child’s math scores.

4.       Build a Mock Classroom

It’s often said that we teach, we learn better. Let your children experience this by letting them don the teaching hat. Setup a mock classroom with stuffed toys as a student, a black/whiteboard on the wall, and a list of topics that need to be taught.

This is a great learning trick for all age groups but is most popular amongst little ones in elementary and middle school. They love to mimic their teachers and won’t mind learning a lesson this way.

5.       Find a Group

For older students, the teaching method may or may not work. But one thing that always works is the study group. A study group puts children in an arrangement where they are among the peers they know and are comfortable about asking questions.

They can make the most by getting help from same-aged peers and can also learn faster while helping them with their doubts. A study group is a multi-way setup where everyone learns because of the company they keep.

6.       Consider Tutoring

This is not a trick or a tip but a rather clear solution for math woes. If your child is struggling with the subject, tutoring is the best solution to find some expert math guidance outside school. In fact, you can find a math tutor even if your child is not struggling with math. Tutoring can help your child grasp the concepts better and will fill them up with self-confidence that will start showing on their scorecard. You can find the best math tutoring at eTutorWorld.

Math need not be the most difficult subject on the timetable. And the narrative has to change at home. Make it simple for your kids with fun and easy-to-understand methods. Start by giving math a positive aura and motivating children with a ‘you can do it attitude’. Things will only get better from there. We hope the above list will come in handy.


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