How to Solve Equations in Algebra Quickly!


Algebra is difficult - that’s a common statement you get to hear in school halls. But it is also true that algebra is fun if you crack the code. This whole section of mathematics is based on finding the value of a variable and if your basic concepts of mathematics are clear, sooner or later you will find yourself in the algebra lovers’ club.

Here’s a list of some tips and tricks that can help you solve an algebraic equation quickly. You take online algebra tutoring; your tutor will introduce you to all of these and even more. 

  1. Change the Perspective

Before you open the book, you need to do one important thing and that is to change your perspective about Algebra. It is not difficult. It is just different from the arithmetic part of math, that you are used to. Approach algebra with an open mind and trust your learning capabilities. Algebra is not rocket science and even that is not difficult if you have the right inclination and a desire to learn. 

  1. Get your Math Right and on Fingertips

Algebra is based on arithmetic and hence, plays strongly by all the basic methods and rules. You cannot ace algebra without arithmetic if you cannot quickly multiply two numbers or find a square root while solving an equation for a variable. 

Therefore, you must clear all your arithmetic concepts before you jump into the first lesson of algebra. Ask your teacher at school or algebra tutor online to help you practice multiplications, division, and other basic functions with practice sheets and worksheets. 

  1. One Step at a Time

Algebra questions are often huge. They look like a story with a situation, a few characters, a few known figures, and some unknowns (variables). You have to break down the whole story one sentence at a time to build correct expressions and to understand what you need to find first. 

Read one sentence, write down everything you have understood. Build an expression if you have enough data or make a drawing for better understanding. Take it one step at a time till the last sentence ad start calculating from there. 

  1. Remember the PEMDAS

You cannot afford to forget PEMDAS while you are doing Algebra. PEMDAS stands for Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction. It tells you the order of calculation in an expression. Remember it and practice it as much as you can. If you take online algebra tutoring, you can ask your tutor to help you with the practice, so that you can solve algebraic equations quickly. 

  1. Write Everything

As already mentioned, it is important to write down everything you understand from the question. Do not imagine the information, you will get confused quickly. Use a pencil to scribble down everything you take away from a sentence and then only move to the next. If your algebra tutor online has asked you to show the work, scribble everything in the main area neatly and let your teacher have a look at your understanding of the question and your approach in creating and solving expression. 

Writing down all the details can increase your working speed because you will avoid confusion by a mile, Writing can also tremendously improve your accuracy.

  1. Learn the Formulas

This is a given. When you have things at the top of your mind, you end up solving sums quickly. Learn everything by heart – right from your tables to the formulas. Make time for learning by repetition and practice. Keep doing the sums again and again with your virtual algebra tutor and then you won’t have to mug up anything. 

Yes, we know the above-listed points are more of how to approach algebra rather than quick tips. But what can we do, there’s no shortcut to algebra! The only way you can solve an equation quickly and correctly is to be thorough. Follow them and ace the variables. 


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