Why Just Math Learned at School is not enough

Why Math at Home?

The COVID-19 pandemic has left many students needing to learn from home. Without in-person instructions, many students have started to fall behind in their coursework. Now more than ever, students need to catch up on what they missed outside of the virtual classroom setting with e-tutoring. By adding e-tutoring to your student’s daily routine, they will be able to supplement what they learned in the classroom with more personalized instruction. Make sure your student is prepared for high school math courses and standardized tests by enrolling in an online pre-algebra course with eTutorWorld.

How a pre-algebra online course prepares students for high school math

Pre-algebra is the foundation of all high school math. Enrolling your student into a pre-algebra online summer course will prepare them for math in the future. Pre-algebra will help your student become familiar with some of the terms that they will run into during their high school career. The course will reinforce the basic arithmetic skills they learned during middle school and expand on them. Taking a pre-algebra course will help your student transition between middle school to high school math easier. The topics your student will learn in pre-algebra will continue to be present in every other math course they take in the future.

Some topics covered in the pre-algebra course include reviewing exponents, rounding, and finding the mean, median, and range. All of these topics show up in high school math courses. Exponents are essential to algebra, geometry, and later statistics or calculus courses. Understanding the basics of exponents will prepare students to solve quadratic equations and complicated functions. Rounding is needed to simplify mathematic expressions.

By ingraining rounding into their foundational coursework, students will be able to conquer higher-level courses and equations faster. Once your student reaches statistics or calculus courses, measures of central tendency (also known as the mean, median, and range) are needed. Having a basic grasp of these concepts will help them with graphing problems in the future. As a foundational course, a solid pre-algebra course will be invaluable for your student’s future.
How pre-algebra prepares for standardized tests

Pre-algebra is not only the foundation of high school math courses but also is the backbone of high school standardized tests. Tests such as the SCAT, SAT, ISSE, ACT, and others examine students’ pre-algebra skills. These skills appear in every high school math subject, so they are likely to appear in standardized tests for these subjects. Online pre-algebra practice will help prepare your student by introducing them to the topics that will appear on these standardized tests in the future. By solidifying their understanding of the basics, your student will be able to complete test questions faster and with more confidence.

Let’s take the SAT and the ACT as examples. The SAT math section is timed allotting students 80 minutes to complete one calculator section and one no-calculator section. The SAT also contains three areas of focus: the Heart of Algebra, Problem Solving with Data Analysis, and Passport to Advanced Math. With a pre-algebra course under your student’s belt, they will be prepared to solve the no-calculator section faster with rounding. They will also have an easier time with the Heart of Algebra focus as well as the Data Analysis focus. 

The mean, median, and mode that they learned will come in handy for Data Analysis.

Similar to the SAT, the ACT also tests your student on mean, median, and mode. 20-25% of 
The ACT math section consists of pre-algebra concepts. A pre-algebra course will give your student a leg-up with the ACT just by taking a pre-algebra course. The ACT also consists of 15-20% basic elementary algebra. Combining both percentages, a pre-algebra course will prepare your student for up to 45% of the ACT.

Why Your Student Should Take a Pre -Algebra Online Class

Enrolling your student into an online pre-algebra course will give them a foundation to build all of their high school math courses in the future. The course will also give your student an edge when taking standardized math tests. Enroll with eTutorWorld to give your child a 


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