How to Balance Work and Play for Your Child During Covid-19
With the start of the school year, many school systems have made the switch over to online learning and many parents are now homeschooling their children. For many parents, having their children get an online education from home is new territory. While online tutoring may come with several new challenges, one of the biggest obstacles is finding a balance between work and play for your child. This helpful guide will help you navigate this unique school year for your child and help you to promote a healthy balance of work and play. Put a Focus on Learning The school environment is very education focused. Schools are mainly compromised of individual classrooms and students are expected to get their work done. There are often multiple authority figures that will check in with a child throughout the day to ensure that they are completing their work and learning. The home life is more centered around relaxing and playing. Switching your child's mindset during Covid-19 may be a challenge...