
Showing posts from March, 2020

Fun-filled ways to excel at STEM subjects during Forced Break

A forced break on account of COVID 19 has made it convenient to have some fun with science while completing the STEM projects for middle school and STEM projects for high school . Education and learning are a prolonged but gradually developing processes that takes time, patience, and lots of effort, from both the parents and children. An unexpected break is the perfect time to improve your STEM skills by working on the STEM Projects . It is the time when you can learn from your own mistakes and explore various simple theories and science experiments to grasp a better understanding of the domain. Science experiments sound fun, but always remember to take help from your parents during the experiments, to avoid any mishaps. As parents, you can create real-life connections with the projects, which help in developing a greater interest in S TEM learning . When children can relate how the theories in science translate into real-life everyday scenarios, they can easily connect with

How SSAT Tutoring can make a huge difference

SSAT- the Secondary School Admissions Test is what you need to ace to get admission in your dream school. Now, SSAT test can be quite challenging but not if you prepa re well for it. So, how to kick start SSAT prep? Do you need to solve innumerable SSAT practice tests to ace the exam? Do you need to read a ton of books to get the desired score? The answer is NO. A good SSAT score is all that stands between you and your dream school. Considering that your dreams and future are at stake, you should not take any kind of risk with the preparation. For a high score you just need three things- ·         Right information - Internet is flooded with all sorts of information on the SSAT. Don ’t waste your precious time scrolling through misleading websites. Talk to your teacher and get the right information from a reliable source. ·         Right preparation - students are often taken over by the misconception that they need keep solving practice tests until the exam day. It ’s simp

Importance of CogAT Practice Tests

Is your little one going to take a CogAT test in the near future? To figure out how to start the preparation for CogAT, can be a daunting task. You cannot expect children to give long undivided attention to their lessons. They cannot be left without supervision to prepare on their own either.  It thus becomes crucial to draw up a proper plan of practice. Gear up to get the right information, tips and tricks and succeed in laying the groundwork for CogAT test 2nd grade as well as CogAT grade 3. Don ’t fall prey to misconceptions Understand that CogAT helps determine how your child approaches a problem; skills she uses to decode a given problem and come to a conclusion. Many parents believe that their child needs to have a high aptitude and IQ for the CogAT test- nothing could be further from the truth. In actuality, CogAT is designed to see how your child employs different skills as per her age to solve a problem and not to test skills at solving advanced level problems beyo