
Showing posts from January, 2020

Benefits Of Taking An Online Summer Course

The more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war.’ Sounds challenging, right? Looking forward to the coming up summer vacations? Excited, aren’t you? Yes, that’s the time when one day quickly rolls into another. Each day is different, there are some packed with activity, while there are others with unending unplanned hours. Globally, governments and corporate invest millions in searching, acquiring and retaining gifted and talented human resources. The schools are developing academic programs to identify and nurture students to be ready for such opportunities. Summer programs supplement these learning platforms at schools for integrating into these corporate modules. School is meant to be fun and enjoyable for all children including gifted students . There are a plethora of activities designed for all round development of children. That ’s the humdrum of school life; a cycle that repeats after the much awaited summer break! Summer time is approaching, yeah! It’

Tips For Finding The Right AP Tutor

Prepping for the upcoming Advanced Placement test may seem like a Herculean task and your child is likely to be fraught with anxiety at having to compete with other brilliant students.   Yes! You do know your child is talented but over burdening her with the school course and expecting the high school kid to prepare diligently for the three hour long AP exam is definitely a daunting thought. No issues! Have the child select the subject dear to her heart and begin learning in earnest. AP courses can be quite overwhelming. However, the talented students are more than equal to the task. Students must select their AP subjects carefully as the credits earned will play an important role in gaining admission to their dream college. Going through an index brochure that includes a description of all the subjects and the future they hold, can definitely make the task easier. Moreover, the College Board lists the colleges by their AP credit policies. You might find this to be handy tool

The CogAT Test: Dispelling 5 Common Myths

The Cognitive Abilities Test, known as the CogAT, is administered to K-12 students in the United States. The CogAT is a multiple-choice test that assesses students based upon three main batteries: verbal, nonverbal and quantitative. While the CogAT test is commonly used across school districts and is likely a familiar term to parents of school-age children, there are common misconceptions about what it is and the purpose it serves. The CogAT measures a child’s IQ The CogAT is not considered an IQ test. The CogAT measures a student’s reasoning and problem solving ability. Unlike an IQ test, these skills highlight what a child is able to achieve in the classroom, and thus can be learned and improved over time. The only purpose of the CogAT is to identify gifted students The results of the CogAT can serve several functions. In addition to identifying gifted and talented students, these assessments can be used to inform and develop instructional practices in